Through the looking glass Official Video, The Cheshire Cat, The Drugged Caterpillar Official Video, The White Rabbit, Dodo,
The White Queen, The Mad Hatter, The Red Queen, Wonderland, Sensations Official Video.
Il Bradipo, Il Lupo, Il Canguro, Il Gatto, La Giraffa, Il Chitarrista, Il Pesce, Personaggi dalle lunghe orecchie, Il Leone, L’ Elefante, la Tartaruga, La Farfalla.
Svadhisthana Video, Manipura Video Live
Once Upon a Time (Holly Music, 2016) Video
RAIN (CNI Unite, 2015) Official Video
Italian Coffee (B&N, 2014) Official Video
Guitar Sonatas (Newton Classics, 2013)
Sensations (CNI Music, 2013)
Teatro dei Pazzi (B&N, 2013)
Oh sole mio (Sinfonica, 2009) Video
Italian Coffee (Urtext Digital Classics, 2008)
World Dances (Sinfonica, 2005)
Tra le corde (Sinfonica, 2004) Official Video
Reminiscenze (Phoenix Classics, 2003)
Sonate (Rivolato, 2000) Official Video
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You can buy the CDs at concerts or on Google Play – iTunes – Amazon eMusic
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